Oct 29, 2012

Season of Another Change

October 2012

Dear Chase-

We have moved and are now trying to get settled into the new home.  This past two months has been quite a whirlwind.  Over the course of the two months there is one thing that I am reminded over and over.  “We are not in control!”  Everyday I wake up with intentions to conquer this little world that I live in, trying to make it fitting to our life and feel accomplished by days end.  Over these past couple months that has looked like packing boxes and preparing for our move from our “Drew” home, the only house we knew you in, and trying to unpack and settle into a new house that's not so familiar.  As I look back over that time what did I really accomplish and truly have control over?  My attitude, I guess, is all I can think of.  Yes we had a deadline to be out of the new house but in the scheme of things that's it.  It didn’t matter how stuff was packed, it mattered that I took time and I sat amidst my pain and grief for weeks and allowed God to work through me and into me a peace about leaving a very familiar and comforting place where I held you for the 27 precious months you lived here on earth with us.  That time also allowed me to accept that our “Drew” home was and is just a material piece of this world that too could have been taken from us in a flash.  God has helped me and has been so gracious to gently remind me daily that it doesn’t matter where I am, where I live, what situations lie ahead but that you are always with me in my heart.  Trying to control life I realize only brings me down and removes all joy from within me.  My daily prayer is to find contentment in this life as life quickly moves forward and to brace myself for the bounce between depression and joy.  Again Chase, thank you for blessing my life with your abundant joy and really making me dig down to understand and see what life is really about.  I always thought that I would be teaching my kids about life, but you have opened my eyes and are guiding me to eternal life with you.

I love you Chase-

“I can do all things through him who gives me strength.”  Philippians 4:13  

Photos of your brother and sister Fall 2012
Brady rock climbing

2012 School Photo
Ready for hockey
Betsy talking on her headset
Little Red Riding Hood hiding behind dad
Enjoying the Halloween party

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