Jan 13, 2012

Thank You!

Chase Michael Peterson
It has now been ten months since we have lost a huge part of our heart and our sweet boy Chase.  The time has come and gone as I continue to sit in this grief with a very heavy heart, hoping that with each new day I would wake up from this bad dream.  I sit at the edge of my chair looking into a world that is no longer mine, no longer ours.  I repeatedly ask myself where am I and what happened to this "perfect" world that we were embarking on as a family of five.  I tend to focus in on "with a blink of an eye" anything and everything can change, and change it did.  Each new day brings me a challenge, will I get up and face the day or will I hide in the darkness.  Most days I don't have a choice, I have to pull myself out of bed to tend to a 7 month old and a 4 year old, two very important people in my life.  I also have this profound strength that gets me up and going about my day when I just want to shove my earplugs in and cover my head with the blankets on my bed.  That strength is where you come in and my belief in Jesus Christ.  I figured it would only be fitting to start this blog off with that THANK YOU! I can't even begin to tell you how grateful we are for all the love, support, and prayer you have showered our family with over the last 10 months. Meals, cleaning, groceries, babysitting, emails, texts, cards, flowers, gifts, goodies, you name it, it shows up to our door and into our home with love written all over it. It is a love that has continued to carry us through and sustain us.  And just when you think you have hit the bottom and don't know how you are going to climb out and face the new day, that love shows up through an act of kindness or shout out.   You may not have realized that at that moment you made a difference and shined a ray of hope and a breathe of life into our lives.  With each piece of your love our hearts slowly continue to fill with hope, perseverance, and strength. We hope that through this grief and pain, Chase's memory will live on to be a guiding example of what great love, faith, support, and hope look like amidst the very hard times.  As we continue to press on through the heart ache and sadness together, we need to remind ourselves that we didn't lose Chase, Chase went home to be with Jesus.


  1. Amen beautiful friend. Always in my thoughts, always in my prayers, always in my life you will all be.

    xo, Kimby

  2. Wow, thanks for sharing. We think of you and pray for you often. Love you guys!


  3. What a beautiful testimony to read today. Thank you for sharing your heart. You are in our many prayers.

  4. It is an honor to try and meet the needs of you and your family in whatever small ways we can think of. I hope you can still feel our love from so far away!

  5. I would love to take you out to lunch some weekend, Mandy. Call me. Dorwatha

  6. Mandy, how beautifully written...like I told you the other day, there is not ONE day that goes by that I don't think about you, or remember Chase, or learn something from Chase through God. You are truly what hope, love, faith, strength and courage look like. Love you...
